Why Journalism?


Journalism has changed from the traditional sense of writing for a newspapers, telling stories, being assigned a beat and publish all stories on a physical newspaper. Some stories that are urgent are printed soon and others take a bit of time.

Because of the rise of technology and social media, a new for of journalism has emerged from the ever-changing landscape. What I call entrepreneurial journalism is you are a brand and you have to market yourself by writing why you are valuable to a company and why your product of journalism is better than the competition.

One of the my favorite examples is Tim Shorter’s page about the boats coming in and out Duluth’s ports. I didn’t know that Lake superior still used today big boats t haul massive equipment and other supplies from Canada to different Midwest ports. His webpage is very organized. Its clean and easy to understand. His social media accounts are being updated as fast as the site allows.

I want to be able to use maps and other tools, that I still do not know to continually and new layers to my website. I want my final project to leak clean and feel like I could show my potential employer that hey I can create a kick ass website and know what I’m doing and I can prove to be a valuable asset through my branding of myself.

Throughout my life, I have struggled with solving problems. My father would always give me the advice to look at a specific problem, analyze it, look at it again and come up with many solutions. After you have many solutions, you must pick the one that makes the most sense and looks great, never good enough.


I see many problems in the media landscape right now. Fake news and click-bait are a major headache for media companies because some people will believe they are true and get their news from a fake news source, not a true one. One of the reasons people distrust President Trump is because of his overuse of twitter and running his mouth. I believe in freedom of speech but won’t I can’t stand is the media from both political sides and other news outlets banishing the president and causing many to want to get him impeached. My solution would be to change the culture and tell the big news companies to stop whining and complaining and go back to old school (traditional) journalism.

What I want to see in my page overall is a sense of I can do this or that and problem solve. I want to to use a hybrid of entrepreneurial and traditional journalism in my website to show that the more I can do the better I can be. Whether that is as a potential journalist for a big company like CNN or Fox in the future or in a business orient job office building managing Public Relations or Human Resource Management for Target or some other big company name.

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